Friday 17 August 2007

Yo, world...

Hi, thought I'd make my first post and introduce myself. As you've probably gathered, my name is Kotaro (you may call me Kota). Here's a pic of me;

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Hope to post plenty more photos in due course, but since I arrived in the UK earlier than expected (shh, it's a secret!) I may not get around to regular blogging until sometime in September. Anyway, since my vital statistics don't really fit into my blog profile I'll pop them here:

Full name: Kotaro Juusan Nishiura (this is the human name I've adopted; my original incubus name is unpronounceable unless you are also a demon).
BJD make/model: Dollzone Yuu – white skin
Face-up: DZ custom
Red... though I'm happy to wear contacts of varous colours
Hair: Naturally black, but I often change my look.
Not exactly sure, but chances are I'm ancient... centuries old, in fact. Most humans assume I'm in my early twenties, and I'm cool with that. ^_~
Arrival (UK immigration) date:
13th August 2007
Orientation: I'm an incubus, remember? Anything goes!
Occupation: Lead vocalist of J-rock band "Honou To Hyoushou"
Talents/abilities: Singing, composing, natural ability to play virtually any instrument (my favourites are guitar, violin and piano), the art of seduction, the power of suggestion, swordsmanship, martial arts
Likes: Plenty of s3x, tight trousers, performing, being creative, reminiscing, wining and dining (though eating and drinking is not compulsory for an incubus), antiques, swords, martial arts training, cats
Dislikes: Cruel/evil people, creative restrictions, celery

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(Origin of info - Honou To Hyoushou website)
Cheeky, witty and fun to be around, Kotaro is basically a nice guy... which is rather irregular considering he is an Incubus, a sort of erotically inclined demon. He is the one that formed the band Honou To Hyoushou, by collecting, as he sees it, "People with music in their blood". He is driven by his vision of being able to enthral an audience and make them sway to his will and voice.
Being a demon, Kotaro was spawned in the underworld. When, he can't remember. All he remembers from there are the endless routines over and over again. His existence has been awfully boring but normally, a demon would not care, as it would not feel, and therefore would not know boredom. But Kotaro evolved above what he was and learned what emotions are.
Unlike most demons, he has a lot of imagination and a well developed ability to adapt to any given situation. This comes mostly from his introspection and empathy with others. Some of his masters in the underworld would say he was created flawed, and that he should be destroyed. Others are fascinated and see Kotaro as perhaps the next generation of demons in the making.

So there you go... that's me. Guess I'll see you around!
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